Aylin Cadir si-a inceput cariera la saisprezece ani participand la concursul "Alege Asia", unde a fost aleasa sa faca parte din trupa de fete "Pops". Aylin spune despre acea perioada ca a fost una extrem de interesanta in care a invatat ce a putut din ce se intampla.
In 2008 a absolvit sectia de actorie a Facultatii de Arte din cadrul Universitatii Hyperion, fiind activa ca actrita profesionista inca de atunci. Este o prezenta placuta si sensibila atat pe scena cat si in afara ei fiind un artist cu care se lucreaza usor. Aylin este deseori intrebata ce ii place mai mult sa faca, si la ce ar renunta: la actorie sau la muzica? Raspunsul ei este mereu acelasi: " Nu vad de ce ar trebui sa renunt la una pentru cealalta. Imi place in mod egal si sa cant si sa joc, dar ma consider mai mult actrita decat cantareata. Cred ca faptul ca am o scoala de actorie ma ajuta in felul in care interpretez un cantec."
Inca din timpul facultatii de actorie si-a intors atentia catre muzica jazz. Astfel foarte curand a inceput sa se alature unor trupe de jazz, formule de trio, cu care canta in cluburile mici din tara. Aylin povesteste ca asta a fost o perioada in care si-a format "scoala muzicala".
Dupa ce a si-a creat propria trupa de instrumentisti, "The Lucky Charms", a inceput sa lucreze la primul album. Pentru a duce asta la bun sfarsit si-a unit fortele cu cativa producatori si compozitori precum Elena Morosanu sau Moonlight Breakfast, si in aprilie 2013 a lansat albumul pop-jazz "Cloud".
Cu acesta propune o noua miscare muzicala in industria romaneasca, deschizand granitele dintre mainstream si underground.
Albumul e apreciat si in cateva tari europene intrand chiar in playlisturile unor radiouri din Germania si Turcia.
Actrita Aylin Cadir poate fi vazuta in spectacolele:
"Forma lucrurilor", de Neil Bute, regia Vlad Zamfirescu, in rolul Jenny – se joaca in București la Godot Cafe Teatru
"Maitreyi", de Mircea Eliade, regizat de Chris Simion, in rolul Maitreyi -se joaca in Bucuresti la teatrul Bulandra
"Lectia", de Eugene Ionesco, in regia lui Horatiu Malaele, in rolul Eleva- se joaca la Teatrul National Bucuresti
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Aylin Cadîr started her career at sixteen when she took part in Romania’s version of Pop Idol and was chosen to be part of a girl band. The pop band was an interesting experience from which she learned what she could.
In 2008 she graduated from the Hyperion University of Acting being active as a professional actress ever since. She is a fun and sensitive presence both on stage and off stage, being an artist people enjoy working with. She is often asked what she loves doing most: acting or singing and what she would rather do. Her answer is always the same: "I don't see why i should give up one for the other. I love them equally, but I consider myself more of an actress then a singer. I think the fact that i have the training of an actor enhances my singing."
She switched her attention to jazz music when she was still studying acting. She started joining small jazz bands with which she performed in small jazz clubs in Romania. Aylin says she gained her 'musical training' in these small jazz clubs.
After establishing the line-up of "The Lucky Charms", the band she performs with in concerts, she started working on the first album. For this she joined forces with a few musical producers and composers like Elena Morosanu and Moonlight Breakfast and in April 2013 she launched the pop-jazz album called ‘Cloud’. With this she brings a new kind of movement in the music industry in Romania. She successfully opens the borders between the mainstream and underground world in her country. The album gained a lot of appreciation in a few of european countries and was featured in playlists on radio stations in Germany and Turkey.
As far as her acting career goes, Aylin can be seen in:
- Jenny in ‘The Shape of Things’ by Neil Bute, directed by Vlad Zamfirescu, at Godot Theater Cafe in Bucharest.
- Maitreyi in ‘Maitreyi’, by mircea Eliade, directed by Chris Simion, at Bulandra Theater in Bucharest.
- The Student in ‘ The Lesson’ by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Horațiu Mălăele, at The National Theatre Bucharest
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